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Teeth Cleaning: Keeping up with your twice a year teeth cleanings is very important. It helps prevent cavities and stop gum disease and tooth loss. It brightens your smile by removing built-up stains and leaving you with freshly polished teeth. It freshens your breath even if you brush and floss regularly. Having good oral health also boosts your overal health by lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke. Some medical conditions can be detected in their early stages by your dentist during a routine oral exam. Finally, having regular dental cleaning can save you money because you can avoid extensive procedures by catching any teeth problems early. So call us for your dental exam and cleaning today!

Teeth Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning): Teeth scaling and root planing is a procedure known as deep cleaning. When plaque, which is the sticky film of bacteria forming on your teeth, aren't cleaned well, the bateria in the plaque can cause your gums to become inflamed. When this happens, your gums will pull away from your teeth and form spaces called pockets. Plaque gets trapped in these pockets and can not be removed with regular brushing or the regular dental cleaning. If untreated, gum disease could lead to bone loss and your tooth will fall out. Come to our office to check the pockets between your gums and teeth to see if you truly need a deep cleaning!

Filling: When you have a cavity, your dentist will do a filling. Leaving a cavity untreated can cause more pain and much more money in the near future. Your dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and then "fill" the area on the tooth where bacteria once lived. Fillings are also used to repair cracked and broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down fom misuse such as from nail-biting, eating hard food, or tooth grinding. Don't delay your filling to save money!

Root Canal: The pulp is the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. When pulp becomes infected or inflamed, your dentist will do a root canal for the tooth. The infection and inflammation most often occur if you have a cracked or chipped tooth, a deep cavity or filling, or other serious injury to the tooth. All of these can allow bacteria to enter the pulp and cause the infection or inflammation. The infection and inflammation can spread to tissues around the root of the tooth and nearby teeth if leave untreated. This can cause pain and swelling, but even if there is no pain, bateria from the infection can damage the bone that holds the tooth in your jaw. Studies have shown the infection can travel to other areas of your body as well, such as heart and brain. Do not leave a tooth infection untreated!

Crown: A crown is often recommended for a weak tooth such as a tooth with a large filling, a root canal tooth, a cracked tooth, or an undesirable appearance of the tooth. The purpose of the crown on a weak tooth is to hold your tooth together and decrease the stress on the tooth, reducing the chance of breaking the natural tooth itself.

Extraction: Sometimes a tooth has been broken or damaged by decay too much for the filling or the root canal of the tooth to work. In this case, the tooth needs to be extracted. A very loose tooth also will require removal if it can not be saved. Other reasons why tooth extracton is needed are extra teeth that blocks other teeth coming in, baby teeth not falling out in time, people getting braces, infected teeth, and wisdom teeth that are problematic.

Partial Denture and Denture: Partial denture and denture is a removable, yet natural-looking dental appliance that helps restore the form and function of your jaw by replacing one or several missing teeth. We can help you enjoy eating and smile again with our comfortable, high quality acryllic appliance.

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening lightens teeth color and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Call our office for a teeth whitening appointment today because we all deserve to smile beautifully!